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MixR, the app that puts employees at the ❤️ of culture

Use the power of community to transform your workplace 

onboarding to belonging

The three pillars of the MixR Platform

Match and Connect Employees

Connect employees around shared interests, expertise, personal experience, location, and more.

MixR communities

Promote positive relationships at work

Organize Digital & In-Person Communities 

Cultivate social connections to allow new knowledge networks to emerge throughout the organization.

MixR community

Build the social foundation of your organization

Experiment, Measure & Understand

Inform culture initiatives with insights on engagement, belonging, employee interests, and more.

MixR employee engagement analytics

Improve decision making at every level

Let’s chat!

MixR weaves the social fabric of your organization

Connect employees through personal interests, location, and expertises

MixR app

A dedicated space for culture & employee-led value creation

Leverage MixR groups & events to give your employees a communal space to socialize, build trust & belonging, and develop into hearthstones of grassroot innovation and social capital creation.

A social intranet that makes the Human-behind-the-tool shine

Empower employees to shine in their professional social sphere with MixR’s detailed and engaging employee profiles, community leadership opportunities, and layered communication features.

A bold new way to think about internal comms

Use MixR to connect employees based on interests, expertise & location to enable network based communications in your organization and allow new & unexpected transversal channels to emerge.

A window into what makes your people tik

Consult MixR dashboards to discover unique insights into your community & your people, inform effective strategies to build your social capital, and measure your progress along the way.

MixR community image

MixR features you and your employees will love

MixR feed

Group & event discussion feeds

MixR events

Advanced event planning features

Mixr messenger

Encrypted private messenger

MixR Calendars

Workplace & group calendars

MixR security

Complete data security & privacy

MixR network

Match & connect with interests & location

MixR analytics

Multi-level & real-time analytics

MixR directories

Workplace, group & event member directories

MixR member profile

Detailed and engaging member profiles

MIxR employee community

Streamlined community management

MixR custom integration

Third party video-calling & calendar integrations

MixR apps

Available on all your devices

Employee Engagement Platform

Employee Connection Engine

Automatically connect employees through things they share

employee engagement

Groups & mixrs

Co-create & manage communities and events for a variety of purposes

Engaging employees

Community Hub

Discover, engage, and keep up with your communities. 

Employee engagement solution

Feeds and Messenger

Scale peer-to-peer and one-to-many communications.

Employee engagement with MixR

Member Profiles

Help employees gain visibility and earn recognition from peers

Engage hybrid employees

Analytics Dashboards

Discover unique and powerful insights to elaborate better data-driven initiatives

Best employee engagement platform
MixR community image

It’s finally possible to thrive in a hybrid workplace!

There has never been a better time to invest in communities@work.

Let’s chat!

Empower employees to build culture and own their experience

  • Make friends at work & build a professional network
  • Have an impact on culture & show leadership skills
  • Find amazing mentors & upskilling opportunities
    Feel included, recognized and supported by peers

Bring your company to the cutting edge of culture & EX

  • Streamline organization wide communications
  • Organize, manage & advertise workplace events
  • Stop the guess work, share the task of building culture
    Measure the impact of culture, DEI and EX
Make friends at work & build a professional network
Streamline organization wide communications
Have an impact on culture & show leadership skills
Organize, manage & advertise workplace events
Find amazing mentors & upskilling opportunities
Stop the guess work, share the task of building culture
Feel included, recognized and supported by peers
Measure the impact of culture, DEI and EX
Have meaningful conversations with peers who share your interests.
MixR groups
Build meaningful relationships in live events, whether virtually or in-person.
MixR mixrs
Get personalized picks to find & join communities of like minded people.
MixR discover Communities
Centralize all your groups and mixrs in one place.
MixR myHome
See all the events planned in your workplace, and easily register to them.
MixR workplace calendar
Chat with your peers in a private and encrypted environment.
MixR company chat
Showcase what makes you unique, your interests, expertise, bio and more!
MixR intranet employee profile
Make managing your digital communities a breeze with analytics and automations.
MixR group dashboard
Measure and understand what is happening in your workplace across a variety of impactful metrics.
MixR Workforce analytics
Let’s chat!

Everyone wins with communities @work :)

Here is what research has to say: